Tuesday, March 20, 2007


This is my first time for "blogging" and I have lots to learn. I realized that I changed the font color on the "yearbook" heading and after spending hours trying to fix it I guess I will have to break down and ask our tech guy about what to do. Also I hope to add some pictures so you can see what we are doing in my classes. Let me know what else you think!

1 comment:

Judy said...

I am glad to see you posting updates of what's happening in your classes! Adding digital pics of the pj pants, kids working with younger kids, and the speech kids will add so much! Yes, a little "tweaking" with font sizes and colors will help with the readability. Perhaps some kids will want to either create a post for the day or add comments on what they are learning/doing in your classes? We'll have to look into that since they'll need Google accounts to comment. That would be a question for your administrators and Rex. Way to go!!