Friday, August 24, 2007

One Week Completed!

It's always nice to be back and observe how the kids have changed over the summer. We had a busy week with a few kids changing classes, so I didn't really have any homework assigned outside of class time. Below is a quick summary of what we did and what I have planned for next week

Parenting . . . We read articles and shared the information with the other students. The main questions was "What did this have to do with parenting?" We had insight on foster children, overbearing mothers, adoption, living on your own at age 7, etc. The kids did a great job of discussing and made some very good observations. Next week we will be completing the study guide for chapter 1 (I gave this to students on Thursday) but they will have time to work on it Monday when they come to class. Also they will be assigned to interview two "Experts" about parenting (I hope one of them will be you, the parent!). The chapter will be discussed and a test will be given on Friday.
Accounting . . . We started Chapter 1 on Thursday and learned that we know a lot more about accounting than we thought! No assignment, but we will continue discussing the Basic Accounting Equation and what affects the assets, liabilities and owners equity of a business. We may have a quiz on Thursday - just to make sure the students understand.
Housing & Nutrition . . . Discussed the expectations and content of this class. We will concentrate on the "Housing" area during the first quarter and continue with "Nutrition" part during second quarter with the emphasis on healthy eating. I did remind the students the importance of good behavior if they want to participate in the foods lab as the kitchen is the place where most accidents happen around the home. (Ask them what the most dangerous food is . . . you may be surprised!) We started with Chapter 46 "Choosing a Place to Live" and all students completed and turned in the questions at the end of the chapter. Next week will find us looking at a lease, figuring cost of financing, different types of housing, etc.
Intro to Child Care . . . Made a visit to the Anita Child Care and toured the Anita Elementary. We do many project during the year there, as it is so close. We also discussed some of these projects and again hope to visit the C&M elementary 5th grade and kindergarten classes. Their assignment was the interview
sheet (they should ask the questions and they should write down the responses!). I hope they learn something about the importance of quality child care! Next week we will discuss their findings and also begin chapter 1.
Elementary Keyboarding . . . Finally made it over on Friday! With a new server and new operating system on the computers, we had some challenges but the students were very patient with me! Hopefully everything will be up and working by next Tuesday. We will again review the letter keys and also learn how to produce documents using Word. I know Mrs. Harris has the students complete many assignments on the computer.

Guess that takes care of week one . . . please let me know if you have questions. You can reach me at the following e-mail: or just post a comment on my blog.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Welcome to Mrs. Johnson's Blog!

Welcome Back . . . to another GREAT year of learning at CAM High School! I hope you had a good and relaxing summer. I know it went by way too fast, but I'm ready for school. A big change this year will be that Mr. Johnson will no longer be around. He took the principal job at the Villisca Jr. Sr. High school and started work the end of July. After teaching here for 31 years (I thought he came with the building!) he will have some adjustments to make along with Matthew and me. Check back often, as I hope to let you (both students and parents) know what is going on in my classes by using this Blog. (When I started teaching here 23 years ago, the word "blog" hadn't even been invented . . . my how things change.) See you Monday (or Tuesday)!

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

It's Been A While!

Sorry I haven't been keeping up with the happenings in my room . . . so here's an update:

Child Development - After the DC trip and FFA field trips we finally had a test Monday over Chapter 5. Students will now be assigned a study guide to go along with Chapter 6 and discussion will include healthy eating habits during pregnancy.

Accounting I
- Students continue to work on packets and most have finished the first payroll and turned in the first audit report.

Consumerism & Clothing
- EVERYONE is busy sewing and some have even finished their first pair of PJ Pants! I want them to make a second pair without any help from me (reading directions is one of my main goals in this class!). We have had some memorable moments from "uni-legs" to having the draw string come out the back of the waist band! BUT . . . with a little "tweaking" they are all "wearable"!
NOTE . . . The Practical Arts Fair is May 2 and I'm hoping that some of the pants will be entered!

Intro to Child Care
- Students have finally gotten to go out to the "real world" and work with kids at three different settings. They will be evaluated by the supervisor and also write a journal to share their experiences. I feel this is a very worth while part of this class. One other project is we will be going to C & M Elementary to do a project with the Kindergarten class on April 25.

Yearbook - Final sales have been turned in and 26 more pages will be sent by the end of the week. The girls have been working hard to produce a book that will be full of memories. Hope you had a chance to get yours ordered! See me if you have questions.

Speech - Four senior girls and I finally made it to UNI and All-State. Even though we didn't get anyone to this festival as far as speaking, we did have a chance to listen to some great speakers . . . many of them were at Walnut Hill! Pictures will follow (as soon as I get them downloaded!).

Guess that about covers everthing for the past three weeks . . . check back again and hopefully I'll have some pictures!

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

The Last Week of March

Happenings from Mrs. Johnson
Things are quiet at CAM High School with so many students on the Washington DC trip, but I know from my trip four years ago that the learning didn't stop when they left the building early Monday morning!

This week at a glance . . .
Child Development . . . students are watching a video on multiple births. It follows the development of the "Dilly Sextuplets" from their first year to their ninth year.
Accounting I . . . . students have finally finished their first week transactions, posted and ready to begin week two. From this point they will be working at their own pace.
Consumerism & Clothing . . . Finally we are sewing! We even have "pant legs" today! Students have learned to thread their machines and do some basic sewing. Check back later and maybe we'll see some of the finished projects!
Intro to Child Care . . . had a chance to visit the day care at the elementary. The little kids love to have them come over and the big kids love to go. Journal entries are written so they can remember their experiences.

Yearbook . . . Notices were sent out that yearbook sales will end April 13. Before this date you can purchase your very own copy for $30 and guaranteed you will get one in September. After that date, cost will be $35 and your name will be placed on a waiting list. Order forms are available in the offices of all four schools or you can send a check for $30 made out to "CAM Yearbook" and mail to the high school: 1000 Victory Park Road; Anita, IA 50020 Attn: Mrs. Johnson. The girls continue to be busy and will be sending another 26 pages on April 13.

Speech . . . is of course over except for the banquet. We are checking the date and will let you know as soon as we know when it will be.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Have a Great Weekend and a Good Time In Washington DC!

Wednesday - March 21
PBS Day - No Classes. Students listened/participated with speakers in the morning and had four small-group sessions in the afternoon. A positive day. My favorite was the first speaker who had the kids sit in small groups and learn how to work together. The faculty also got involved when playing Family Feud!

Thursday - March 22
Child Development - Discussed the last two pages of the study guide 5 and watched a video: Journey Into Life - the Triumph of Creation. A very informative video on prenatal development. Make sure you come in and watch it BEFORE 2nd period next Wednesday (3/28) if you were absent.
Accounting I - Students continued to work on the Fitness Junction simulation. Today we completed the transactions for the first week and on Monday will do the "end of the weeek" cash transactions. Since this is the only assignment for this quarter, they will only be allowed to work on it in Mrs. Johnson's room. If they are absent check with Mrs. J. ASAP!
Consumerism & Clothing - College Spring Break so all students were here the whole period! They continued working on their pj pants. With only four students not going to DC next week, my goal is to have them complete their first pair (or at least close!).

Here's a new attempt to add a photo or two. This is from Walnut Hill . . . all the kids who received a 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place trophy and then the group of seniors and their trophies!


The girls have their final assignments and deadlines. Kara and Lorna will be busy capturing the memories for the yearbook . . . check it out in the yearbook next fall!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007


This is my first time for "blogging" and I have lots to learn. I realized that I changed the font color on the "yearbook" heading and after spending hours trying to fix it I guess I will have to break down and ask our tech guy about what to do. Also I hope to add some pictures so you can see what we are doing in my classes. Let me know what else you think!

Welcome to Mrs. Johnson's Blog!

Assignments from Monday 3/19
Child Development - Worked on completing the Study Guide from Chapter 5. Discussed the first 9 questions. Students were reminded to complete study guide BEFORE class on Thursday. Also Kara and Kaila brought the babies back and Colton and Jordan picked them up.
Accounting I - Worked on the packet after going over the tests from Chapters 15-17. Finished forms through #6 including the Bank Reconciliation. Will finish the first week on Thursday.
Consumerism & Clothing - Finally . . . we are starting our sewing unit. We cut out the pattern pieces that will be needed to make our pj pants, studied the layout guide and will be pinning and cutting the fabric on Thursday. Make sure you have your supplies!

Assignments from Tuesday 3/20
Consumerism & Clothing - We are a day ahead of the other class, so the girls are already pinning and cutting out their pants. No class the rest of the week, so on Tuesday we will be ready to get the sewing machines out and start sewing!
Intro to Child Care - Finally we have a break in our projects. We have been busy since December working with the first grade, kindergarten, and 5th grade classes - we even made it to the C&M elementary for the Valentine for Vet project and have one more planned for the kindergarten class in Cumberland. Today the girls went to the Anita Child Care Center and got some "hands on" experience. No additional assignment.

- The girls are busy getting pages completed. We met our first deadline and have completed 37 pages. They all have pages they are working on and will be due before midterm. Seniors only have 40 days - 20 class periods - to get the book finished!

Speech - We finished our 2006-07 season on Saturday when we traveled to Ames for State. Out of our 19 entries, we came home with 11 I ratings and 8 II ratings. A good day overall!