Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Welcome to Mrs. Johnson's Blog!

Assignments from Monday 3/19
Child Development - Worked on completing the Study Guide from Chapter 5. Discussed the first 9 questions. Students were reminded to complete study guide BEFORE class on Thursday. Also Kara and Kaila brought the babies back and Colton and Jordan picked them up.
Accounting I - Worked on the packet after going over the tests from Chapters 15-17. Finished forms through #6 including the Bank Reconciliation. Will finish the first week on Thursday.
Consumerism & Clothing - Finally . . . we are starting our sewing unit. We cut out the pattern pieces that will be needed to make our pj pants, studied the layout guide and will be pinning and cutting the fabric on Thursday. Make sure you have your supplies!

Assignments from Tuesday 3/20
Consumerism & Clothing - We are a day ahead of the other class, so the girls are already pinning and cutting out their pants. No class the rest of the week, so on Tuesday we will be ready to get the sewing machines out and start sewing!
Intro to Child Care - Finally we have a break in our projects. We have been busy since December working with the first grade, kindergarten, and 5th grade classes - we even made it to the C&M elementary for the Valentine for Vet project and have one more planned for the kindergarten class in Cumberland. Today the girls went to the Anita Child Care Center and got some "hands on" experience. No additional assignment.

- The girls are busy getting pages completed. We met our first deadline and have completed 37 pages. They all have pages they are working on and will be due before midterm. Seniors only have 40 days - 20 class periods - to get the book finished!

Speech - We finished our 2006-07 season on Saturday when we traveled to Ames for State. Out of our 19 entries, we came home with 11 I ratings and 8 II ratings. A good day overall!

1 comment:

camtech said...

bev don't use black as a color with your back ground I can't read the titles of sections